Earlier this week I broke 500 in sales. And when I checked this morning, I was over 600. Averaged out over the week, I'd say I sell between 10-20 books a day. The weekend seems to generate the best numbers, which is not surprising, I guess, since many people have those days off.
Also, I think Amazon is doing some subtle but effective marketing. About 97% of my sales have been through KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). I know that they sent out at least one email recommending books to members, in which my book was listed. Also, they do a pretty good job of recommending similar items or "people who bought this also bought" kind of marketing. I'm guessing that's what's driving a lot of these sales.
I'm hoping that the volume I'm getting from whatever Amazon is doing will get the word of mouth going and sales will really take off. I just hope I can stay focused and get the next book out before readers get too impatient for it!
Thanks everyone!
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