Saturday, January 28, 2006

There's life in the ol' boy yet...

As much as I absolutely despise the concept, I'm putting up the token I'm-too-busy-to-write-a-real-post-but-I-want-to-reassure-the- three-people-who-at-one-time-regularly-visited-my-blog-that-I'm- still-alive-and-haven't-forgotten-about-them post. (Phew!) Anyhow, it's business as usual here. Still wrestling with my book, but I'm starting to think maybe I'm getting the upper hand. The only problem is that 'loving to make work for myself' thing. I'm working on an adventure for a tabletop role playing game I'm hosting. I'm working with my mom on her business site (link forthcoming). For some strange reason, I'm trying to learn a little bit of SDL (that's a graphics programming platform in c++ for those who don't know). Not to mention the host of half-started projects lying around here just waiting for my interest to rekindle. And somewhere in between all this I have to work a day job.
