Thursday, June 08, 2006

Get What you deserve...

This is really a random post. My intention is to provide those who are about to give up on coming here a tantalizing hint that I am, as I always insist, still alive and working. I suppose there will be a common theme, hence the title, but a cannot guarantee complete lucidity, so please bear with me.

So, what's been going on lately? Well, first of all, my retarded ass earned itself a speeding ticket the other day. Plus I didn't have my most recent insurance card, so I got a ticket for that. I'd like to say that I had a good reason for speeding, like the posted limit was lower than I thought it was (wich it was) or I was on my way to the emergency room (which I wasn't), but really, I was just pissed off at traffic. The second I found an opening, I got a little overzealous on the accelerator. The cop happened to be in the right place at the right time. I totally admit that I deserved to be pulled over.

On the other hand, I wish other things I deserved came to me so quickly. I specifically mean the good things. Did you ever notice how you can do magnificent things, or even just a really good job at something you do all the time, and no one will notice...but the minute you screw up, everyone is all too happy to point it out to you and chew you out. I know I'm hardly the first to notice, but it's a common lament for a reason. Just because something is cliché, doesn't mean it isn't true.

I don't want to give the impression that I believe the world owes me a living, because I know the parts I've had to play in my lack of success in life, but sometimes I think it's the ease with which people ignore my "good" work that discourages me. It's a major flaw of mine; I am easily discouraged. Unless, of course, I am really passionate about something.

Speaking of things I'm passionate about, I sent my manuscript out into the wild...hopefully it comes back with a hardcover and distribution. My friend Elgon mentioned that DAW Books takes open submissions, so I formatted the thing, printed it, shipped it, and now I'm waiting. It'll be another three or four months before I hear about it, so...

But, man, I really hope the universe sees this as one of those "good things" I deserve. I did work very hard on it, and I am completely willing to invest more time and energy to get it out there. Is it magnificent? Probably not. Is it really good? I hope the editor will think so. The only thing I can say about it for sure is that it is my vision and I love it. I want to spend my life expanding upon it and sharing it with as many people as are interested.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should read this I think you'll enjoy it.