Saturday, March 05, 2005

Laziness begets efficiency.

This isn't the general rule, but sometimes figuring out how to work smarter rather than harder is rooted in nothing more than laziness. This is akin to "productive procrastination" (an Elgonism to those who have noticed that I posted links on the sidebar and who have followed at least one of them), but any form of procrastination is, by its very nature, anathema to efficiency.

This brings me to my time and space saving act of economic torpidity for the day. I recently sent an email to a friend, in which I ranted, as is my wont, for many lines. Now, I could simply open my email, copy it to notepad, edit it for trademark violations, open my blog, paste the edited email after a short intro, then post. Lethargy, however, has prompted otherwise. Since my friend was so kind to have done all that work for me in his blog, I will simply link to it. And please, while you're there, check out the rest of his stuff.

My email posted to

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I appreciate the referral and I really do hopw that we cross cooridate (if that is a word) readers. I posted your stuff becasue It was pretty damned giood, Read the rest of your blog as well. I will be visting often. I like. :) I also hate the smiley faces but I gjust did that becasue i knew it would incite you.

BTW Out of the shoot I got the random question on my blog about magic markers. I was also amazed that I had an immediate answer. Sometimes things work out that way.